Slovakia Unitary state
Structures and competences
Local level :
2,751 municipalities* (obec), 140 cities (mesto) et 39 city districts (mestská časť)
The local council (obecné zastupiteľstvo in municipalities, mestské zastupiteľstvo in cities and miestne zastupiteľstvo in city districts) is the localgovernment’s deliberative body. It is composed of members elected by direct universal suffrage for a period of four years.
The local board (obecná rada in municipalities, mestská rada in cities and miestna rada in city districts) is the mayor’s consultative body and the local council’s executive body. Its formation is optional and its members are elected by and from within the local council. The municipal board has the power of initiative, control and executes the tasks according to local council decisions.
The mayor (starosta in municipalities and city districts and primátor in cities) is the community’s highest executive body and statutory representative. He/she is elected by direct universal suffrage for a four-year mandate and chairs both the local council and the municipal board.
Bratislava and Košice have two levels of self-government: the magistrate (magistrát), which represents the city as a whole, and city districts (mestská časť). These city districts are responsible for issues of local significance such as urban planning, local road maintenance, budget, local ordinances, park maintenance and public safety.
- Road maintenance
- Public transport
- Environment
- Water supply
- Sewage and municipal waste
- Local development
- Housing
- Pre-school and primary school
- Social assistance
- Health
- Culture and sports
- Participation in regional planning
*Municipalities can gain city status upon request and as long as they meet the criteria specified within municipal law.
Municipalities may perform certain duties in the name of the state, mainly regarding office registrations, construction permits and some aspects relative to education, though the state remains responsible for the quality and funding of such duties.
Regional level :
8 self-governing regions (samosprávny kraj)
The regional council (zastupiteľstvo samosprávneho kraja) is the region’s legislative and decision-making body and is composed of members elected by direct universal suffrage for a four-year term.
The president (predseda) is elected by direct universal suffrage for a four-year mandate. He/she is the self-governing region’s representative and statutory body, and chairs regional council meetings.
The commissions (komisie) may be established by the regional council and act as its consultative body with the power of initiative and control. Commission members are elected by and from within the regional council.
Self-governing regions may perform certain duties in the name of the state, mainly regarding education, healthcare and transport.
- Regional road network
- Land development
- Regional development
- Secondary education
- Hospitals
- Social services
- Culture
- Participation in civil defence
- Licences for pharmacies and private physicians