Hungary Unitary state


Structures and competences

Local level :
3,177 municipalities* (települések), towns (városok), towns with county rank (megyei jogú városok), 23 capital town districts (fővárosi kerületek) and the city of Budapest

The body of representatives (képviselõ-testület) is the municipality’s legislative body. It is composed of members elected by direct universal suffrage for five years, responsible for the management and control of the municipality. Its decisions are presented in the form of resolutions and decrees.

The mayor’s office (Polgármesteri hivatal) is the municipality’s executive body and the mayor presides over the body of representatives. He/she is a member of the body of representatives and is elected by direct universal suffrage for a five-year term. The body of representatives is obliged to elect deputy mayors from within its ranks or may also elect external persons to this post, on the basis of a secret ballot.

The notary (jegyző) is appointed by the mayor, usually for an undetermined period of time. He/she is at the head of the local administration and is the head of the mayor’s office. She/he prepares and assists the work of the body of representatives and of the mayor, and executes their decisions.

The capital city of Budapest is composed of 23 districts. This level is managed by autonomous local entities, which have the status of a municipality. The capital general assembly is composed of the mayors of the 23 districts and the Lord Mayor who is also elected by direct universal suffrage

*A municipality can become a city at the initiative of its body of representatives, depending on its level of development and its impact at the regional level.


  • Local development
  • Urban planning
  • Protection of the environment
  • Housing
  • Public transport
  • Social services
  • Maintenance of roads, public areas, cemeteries and sewage
  • Water resources
  • Fire services
  • Culture

Intermediate level :
19 counties (megyék)

The county council (megyei közgyûlés) is the county’s deliberative body. It is composed of members elected from party lists for a five-year term. The sphere of power of the county local government has been reduced since 2011.

The county chair (közgyűlés elnöke) is elected for a five-year mandate by and from within the county council. The county’s executive branch is the county local government office and the chair represents the county council.

Towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants can gain the rank of a county. However, this process is quite rare in Hungary, as the last town to have gained county rank was Érd in 2006. There are 23 towns with county status in Hungary.

There is no hierarchy between local and county authorities as they have equal rights in the eyes of the national government.


  • Secondary schools
  • Cultural infrastructures (libraries, museums, etc.)
  • Maintenance of retirement homes and hospitals
  • Land development
  • Tourism

*The new Hungarian Act on Local Government was released in 2011 and has led to the recentralization of certain local competences, such as primary education, due to current budget restrictions being experienced in Hungary.