Sweden Unitary state


While debates have been held in Sweden concerning a possible regionalisation of the country, the territorial organisation has not been modified.

There are some minor changes which concern the organisation of municipal assemblies, specifically the creation of a new threshold, which should allow the smaller political parties to be better represented.

A transfer of competences that enabled the counties to take over the matter of transport in recent years has resulted in better efficiency in the management of this service.

A draft proposal on regionalization was discussed for several years, based on the idea of transforming the 21 existing counties into around 6 to 9 large regions. However, this reform proposal has since been abandoned.

Local self-government in Sweden:

The European Charter of Local Self-government seems to be properly applied in the country. Local and regional authorities do not appear to have been subject to budget$ cuts as a result of the crisis. Finally, it may be observed that a good level of coordination exists between the government and the national association of local governments and regions.